I am concerned for your students if you think its right to squash someone else’s opinion. Hide the pain harold meme anti pollution face mask Who gives a shit what a celebrity’s political view is? Our president is in Twitter for fucks sake
Hide the pain harold meme anti pollution face mask
he has just as much right to publicly state his opinions on politics as every other person has, was it cos he started criticising polititions, or was it more about who the polititions were that he was criticising, Hide the pain harold meme anti pollution face mask im guessing its the latter, here in new zealand it was the other way around, the then right wing govt got him involved in our politics by stealing his music for their campaign video it wasnt that long ago that the president was an entertainer. a lot of ppl bash out presidents he is the only one nore will he be the last , is it right. No, but that just how it is. THANK YOU I FEEL THE SAME WAY ESPECIALLY WHEN HE SAID HE DID NOT WANT ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS THE PRESIDENT
TO BUY HIS MUSIC SO I DON’T LOL ON HIM . I wonder how much money he has lost because of what he said. Fay Mccoy and i bet they just love kid rock bcuz He agrees with this bafoon in the white house…. and yea…. Eminem can say whatever the hell he wants to about whomever he wants to…. that’s a stupid comment….he’s allowed to voice his opinion just as loud mouth trump does/did…. maybe a President shouldn’t be talking about our war heroes, our ex presidents, his replacement on celebrity apprentice, etc etc…. the only ones he’s not bashed are dictators and of course his buddy Putin… you say your a teacher, I suggest you allow others the same freedoms you’re using right now. I’m a vet, I’m all about free speech.

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