The worker should have been fired on the spot and blacklisted for any job with service requirements, Houston astros team full printing shirt since he’s obviously not suited for interaction with people. NO he was not using proper sign language.
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You should work with disabilities of all kinds everywhere you go so you get educated and see how you see their life in their world. You will learn the true meaning of “empathy.” Houston astros team full printing shirt You never set up stressful anxieties scenario as this for a person who suffer with a disability. That woman wasnt a kid to set this up for “likes” OMG! Okay people this post was at least a month ago! I’m sorry I upset everyone! I obviously misunderstood the video. I am the least prejudice, uncaring person you will ever meet! Can we please stop this now? Mea culpa! he was MOCKING her, by moving his fingers, not sign language!! If he knew sign language, there would be no need to humiliate her!!
the person with her may have been a friend or carer, trying to support her while she tried being independent.. Once this escalated, off course they filmed it!! Some places even have signs telling people to drive to the window to order if the have this problem she has every rights to use drive through. As a employees do not have the right to mock at any disabled people. End of story! first, TONS OF DEAF PEOPLE GO TO A DRIVE THROUGH. Second, the second person filming starred filming as soon as that ignorant fuck started mocking her hand gestures. She is deaf but can speak so no reason she should’ve been treated the way she was. The other point is maybe the restaurant was open to drive through only due to covid-19. Deaf people go to drive-thru when that is what’s available.

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