You’re right. But folks will damn sure acknowledge the doctors Husqvarna halloween 3d all over printed shirt and nurses should something go wrong. Ain’t it funny how you guys only have the Lord working through you when there’s an unusually good result and outcome?
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you’re question the Bible because of your commen sense and the contradictions in it. It’s okay to consider that what you believe is really true. If people weren’t questioning/doubting whe wouldn’t have the science of today and more innocent children would have died because adults believe in an invisible deity. Unfortunately this girl is already indoctrinated… Husqvarna halloween 3d all over printed shirt you should take a lesson from that child. Did you witness her thanking her parents? and thanking the nurse for helping her? she thanked her parents for bring her there And she had the experience so she knew who to thank.

I don’t think you get a vote in who gets credit. I’m an amputee and I was having multiple other issues with my body that had to do with my heart and etc…. god could of made me have a normal leg but he probably didn’t want to because I probably have a purpose to be this way and I still believe in him. He can choose whether he wants to heal or not and we shouldn’t ask why because he’s god he can do anything he wants.
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