They have a right to their religious beliefs. Van halen tropical flower hawaiian shirt This, takes away from that so no it isn’t a right. It’s a want. You want soposed “free healthcare” at the expense of others. You’re a bitter soulless women .
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Spot on. Right on! Now you are talking. Health care is a human right. Even Jesus administered health care for free. Jesus performed Miracles he didn’t stand there and have to make a living. Van halen tropical flower hawaiian shirt Doctors do have to make a living enough of one to pay off the 8 year college debt. Tia Morgan I’m not in any way a “bitter soulless woman”. Believe it or not I feel bad for anyone who’s having hard times right now, or will have in the future. HOWEVER, since it’s not a “right” to demand someone give you services, you are not entitled to it. Did you go to school for 8 years and learn how to be a doctor? Y
ou have your own bills to pay, you have your family to take care of, and you have debt to deal with as well. Saying it’s a “right” will greatly make the market for those jobs slow down. No one is going to want to go into those areas. NO ONE. So then you won’t have as many doctors, que the lines! On top of that you have to think of others religious beliefs as well. I’m pro life. I don’t want to pay for someone else’s abortion. Now you saying “oh it’s a right give it to them on tax payers money” no. Now that tramples on my ACTUAL rights. Not to mention the people who never go to a doctor and don’t believe in doing things like check ups, surgeries. They are going to have to pay for someone else to do it?

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