I don’t get it. GA only allows up to 6wks for any abortion, rape, incest, whatever it’s 6wks across the board. Illinois fighting illini football this is how i save the world face mask But ex, if Uncle McFeely rapes 15
Illinois fighting illini football this is how i save the world face mask
You CAN”T hide behind incest and rape to MURDER all those babies, so don’t even try you sorry human being!! I looked into adopting they want so much money Illinois fighting illini football this is how i save the world face mask I raised eight all good adults no drunks or drugs but they make it hard A poor or hard life doesn’t justify murder. just because u do not believe doesn’t mean He is not real. And what do you have to lose if you believe but what do you have to lose if there is a God and you do not believe.. sad I pray your eyes will see Well, Christ doesnt punish women who have abortions. And he provides comfort and calm at the time of the procedure. again not a baby until it can live outside of the woman’s womb.
Most abortions happen when the embryo is just a bunch of cells. You do not have the right to decide for anyone but yourself. Oops, you don’t have a uterus! you’re on the right track but you need to go to the Hebrew text the Bible does it say thou shalt not kill the Bible says Thou shalt not commit murder Jesus knew that we would possibly have to kill to defend ourselves and completely condoned it her life is a mess as a result of what the people around her put her through I have a son whose mother was a prostitute and a drug addict and he is head of his class he is well above his peers and sports he is happy and thriving So let me get this straight: in GA, no exemptions for incest or rape?

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