I say I love you to everyone I love, my kids, my love, Just a girl who loves books all over print tumbler my friends, and I mean it Everytime, you might not believe me, but I actually love everyone until they give me a reason not to.
Just a girl who loves books all over print tumbler
as people back up their words of love with action, then the phrase takes on meaning. the holy bible affirms that love is to be expressed in action. when a person says “i love you,” wait for the fruits and refrain from thinking, “here it goes again… another empty statement.” people are so quick to show impatience and immediately judge based on former experience with others. Just a girl who loves books all over print tumbler wait! the present experience could indeed be different. you don’t know. i hate love and hearing i love u from a man coz
they don’t mean it some don’t show reactions they just say it the sake of saying it …..the only real love i hv experienced is god even though i do wrong he forgives n still has his ever lasting love for me the difference here is that i have not heard him say it to me but his actions says it all Since you send me all types of quotes. This is me tagging you into an entirety of what I always tell you in pieces and which also converges into a video and series of phrases.

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