Justin timberlake i don’t wanna lose you now all over print shirt if she needed help and not go by her child first…all the yelling was not call for…than she sat there like she had a right to be at her table…I with the mother DON’T come in my space unless I say it’s ok…she would not h as very gotten hit or spit on if she wasn’t that close.
Justin timberlake i don’t wanna lose you now all over print shirt
That blond lady didn’t sit there by accident. She moved and sat there to irritate the mother and tell her to quiet her child. The mother mentions that she politely asked this woman to leave her and her child alone several times before it escalated into an argument. She still refused to move even after the employee got involved. If this were you and your small child, I’m sure you would have been protective of your space as well. Justin timberlake i don’t wanna lose you now all over print shirt Anybody has the right to ask someone to move. I wouldn’t have never sat a table with someone I didn’t know, unless I was at an event where I was to sit anywhere.
No one can tell anyone how to mother there child and it not ok to to say anything regarding howti parent. She ask the lady several time to move. Lady refuse at that one, she face whatever come her way! the lady didn’t leave she had asked her several times . The blonde should have gotten mind her business – is he felt the child was in jeopardy she should have called police and videoed they situation . The young has the right to ignore her child but not to the point where she/he is loud enough to bother other people public place or not…that woman that went by her child should have ask the mother

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