So just be supportive. If you have children, Kevin’s famous chili the office tv show cartoon poster you teach them right from wrong but if your child got someone pregnant or your child got pregnant out of wedlock…
Kevin’s famous chili the office tv show cartoon poster
someone’s one you don’t know your name and you don’t your know dreams and idea’s” … So go head and positive thinking and one day change your life. Kevin’s famous chili the office tv show cartoon poster Yo videos always meaningful to me continue the good work and every video you share touch millions of lives people are going through a lot out there you are like a lifesaver with these stories continue the good work can’t you encourage young kids here to get married first before they “ shack up”. It is just wiser to do that.. Plus premarital sex is still morally wrong however it is accepted.. I’m kind of let down after watching your latest video release. Anyone that allows a parent to vehemently insult a man’s fiancée regardless of what the situation is beyond reprehensible.
I posted something too. This was not the typical lesson. Mom only changed when SHE got something out of it. Not to make her son happy. I agree with you congratulations ! FYI if you’re going to use the word God, the G is always capitalized unless you are speaking of the Greek gods. we are not here to judge….. baby before marriage or not you are no better than the person having the baby before marriage. At least the child wasn’t aborted and they are trying to do the right thing by the child….. remember in God’s eyes we are all equal. He loves us unconditionally and things happen. Don’t act like you have the perfect life. Everyone goes through disappointments in life but we still move on. God would rather she have this child than to abort it.

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