I don’t know how old your child is, but, do you realize that later in life they could develop issues like asthma? Kingdom hearts full print hoodie Allergies? Lung problems? It’s true. This guy is just concerned and I don’t see what’s funny about falsely causing him worry, stress and anxiety.
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while pregnant with him, however I truly hope you’re not suggesting it’s ok to smoke while pregnant. that’s the dumbest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen someone brag about. I get quitting is hard but motherhood is hard and requires sacrifices. I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant. And I get maybe your kid came out fine but why take that chance? Kingdom hearts full print hoodie Who the hell in their right mind would want to chance something happening to their baby? they just want you to cut back as much as possible smoking cigarettes during your pregnancy is safer

than smoking weed actually during your pregnancy or taking certain medications with them glad your kids are healthy but i don’t think that means that it couldn’t have happened and why increase the risk if you don’t have to? wouldn’t be worth it to me but to each their own. or was he around cigarettes smoke but he died at 35 of lung cancer. You dont have to smoke to get lung cancer. I do think your selfish to smoke while your pregnant. I smoked cigarettes til the day i found out i was pregnant. You were very very blessed nothing happened to your baby.
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