this is what he on his fourth grader speeches repeats los angeles dodgers aloha tropical full printing hawaiian shirt to these folks and then they go out and act on it making fools of their ignorance. Those folks will never make America great or functional. love indeed
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When US people come to my country, we must talk to them in English and there are a lot of US people living here, and they don’t learn Spanish, and no one makes a scene because of it… los angeles dodgers aloha tropical full printing hawaiian shirt Hell, I can’t always understand those that speak English as first language so what? When your born somewhere that’s your heritage. I was born here, this is my land as much as my red family.. just like if you were born here,byoud be part u s citizens, your hate won’t change that You can embrace and appreciate American values without giving up your own ancestry and heritage. No one is asking Americas to bend. That’s part of the fabric of this nation.
Blending in harmony with those who are different. Sharing our values, customs, beliefs while learning what other cultures have to offer us, concentrating on the things that unite us and not looking for that which will divide us. That why the first part of our country name says UNITED without immigrants the u.s would be a mear shadow of what it is now. I would love to see what these racists pricks would do if all the immigrants left. It would be hillarious. i’m sure that a lot of you, if not all are more capacitated than the americans. Don’t be sad, you can speak two languages which most americans will never be able to master. Be proud of it. you are looking at the ignorance and stupidity of these racist, following and perpetuating the lack of knowledge and ignorance of Trump,
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