And to say it was a set up: were you the woman filming it all to come to that conclusion. Major league baseball houston astros full printing shirt I mean really what person sits in a car for 2hrs waiting to be served. If I had a disability for a surety to film such incidents as this.
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or letter correct then it was purely accidental people who are hearing impaired are still normal people just like you! they can go through the drive thru as much as they please. Major league baseball houston astros full printing shirt The comment you made is so ignorant… the person filming is showing what a person who is deaf goes through. the woman probably asked the person who was recording not to butt in if anything happens. it’s sad that people like you think that a person who has trouble hearing isn’t allowed to do the normal things of a person. if restaurants and fast food places offer braille menus like most places do, they should offer some sort of service for people who have trouble hearing.
PERIOD Jesus better tell my deaf friends they’ve to stay home and not have the same comforts as hearing people. Awful amount of you uneducated arse holes under this video… so you assumes all deaf people can do sign languages? …. ignorance! Again you assume that we don’t get this kind of behaviour from the staffs? Again ignorance!.. And then telling us to order the food for it to be delivered to us…. In that sense YOU want us to stay at home in the shadow because discriminating scumbags like you treating us like we are broken… We’re not broken. We are still human being with disabilities. We didn’t ask to be disable. And good for her blocking the drive thru. You obviously dont discern the womans speech impediment from being deaf.

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