The lady crossed a line to play a stupid game and won a stupid prize. That’s her child to raise. That kid will know right from wrong. I find spitting to be reprehensible, Mom to my daughter senior 2020 coronavirus poster however if you insert yourself in my child’s space, touch them without my permission, and then continue to be in my space afterwards when I’ve asked you to move?
Mom to my daughter senior 2020 coronavirus poster
It’s just an older lady. Perhaps she’s lonely or just likes to chat with children. She’s probably a grandmother. Perhaps she has lost her own child. Who knows? Mom to my daughter senior 2020 coronavirus poster If you think that this older woman is a threat, perhaps moving to an island surrounded by sharks would help. No, but she could have just got the manager or called the police.

Never throw the first punch and spitting on someone is just vile especially in today’s world where we know about bodily secretions ability to transmit disease. Hindsight makes these decisions seem simple. When it’s actually happening and all your doing is standing your ground. While already dealing with a child in the middle of a temper tantrum. Then you’re surrounded by adults who are mistaken and think your rights aren’t being violated.
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