I personally, don’t believe in abortions, yet it will fall under the “free healthcare” rule because Motley crue tropical flower hawaiian shirt it’s considered having a medical procedure. Should my religious rights be trampled on because you want free stuff?
Motley crue tropical flower hawaiian shirt
So well spoken! Health care is a human right in almost every other civilized country … Except America . I think I worked all my life for my money. Where is my right to reap the fruits of my labors. Motley crue tropical flower hawaiian shirt Free health care is not free, you are trying to steal my prosperity to give stuff (healthcare in this instance) to people who do not or have not earned it. Yea dont worry .when you have to go bankrupt to pay your medical bill and living on the streets in a box i jope you think the same way Republicans do not care! From the looks of it we are getting another 4 years of it!
Hell yea you are. Democrats care more about illegal immigrants then our own citizens. Who doesn’t care again?? Actually Democrats care for all equally Republicans on the other hand are just like their crazy president them 1st 2nd and 3rd strike down who is in their way Wrong! Conservatives care, I’m sorry if someone you know is sick but quite honestly making a law saying others have to pay for it is going to be the down fall of our country. Taxes would have to raise 50%+ in order to get this going. I work for a living I don’t live off the government or any of it’s funded programs so I’m the one getting screwed by this idea. On top of that your not taking in others religious beliefs. Some religons don’t approve of any kind of health care yet now you want them to pay for yours.

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