shes lucky they weren’t my kids sitting behind her… Native american wolf filter activated carbon face mask I am really glad your profile says no children. What an absolute disgrace you are. Domestic violence is not ok. young children?
Native american wolf filter activated carbon face mask
how many generations have passed since cave man days for you? She’s a man hater.. don’t trouble yourself with Jennifer Carter. You jennifer carter are part the reason my brother and others like him spent 7 years being hit, Native american wolf filter activated carbon face mask kicked, punched, had things thrown at him. The woman even refused to let him go to hospital when his hear was acting up ( he had to have open heart surgery at 10 and has heart problems. In the end he had to sneaky phone a ambulance as it turned out he was having a heart attack. She was the same as that women always accusing him of looking at other woman when he wasn’t but it was ok for her to fuck whoever she wanted.
He was stuck he couldn’t admit to being abused cos if he admitted it blokes would make fun of him. Then one time she was beating him and he hit her back suddenly he was all the bastards under the sun. No one cared he was cut, bruised, and bleeding just that she got a slap back. He was only allowed to eat or smoke a cig whenever she said. Luckly she left him for another bloke. He has now been with a wonderful girl for 8 years they have 2 kids of there own and are both raising the kid he had with his evil ex a person of your age giving advice like that… hope you don’t have grand kids…. she hurt someone else as well… did you not read that…. and her language in front of children was an absolute disgrace….

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