I love helping them. I cant wait till this virus is over to go find more. NFL chicago bears full printing shirt I helped a man the other night with alot of water and soup. It’s so sad to think
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Most people who don’t have money are the ones who usually give!! I’m that way! Watching from índia ….! This vedio is Just promoting comunisam this vedio is nothing to do with donation … NFL chicago bears full printing shirt By this vedio they are trying to make you heatfull among rich people ….. Or devloped country in índia we face every day …. Poor people use there baby to bag money and they use that money to take drugs ….. She was super intrested lol maybe alittle too much but this shows how people are willing to help people who dont need it and people who do they leave them in the dirt So people are so dumb and selfish the only give money to a person who dress nice who is
Rich they don’t care for the homeless are the four people they can all go to hell it’s very sad to see this Why would you spit on someone? That’s disgusting…fair enough if you rather keep walking..but to spit on a human like that? Wow! Some people can be so cruel not knowing who they are being cruel to. It took someone who has nothing, besides his dog and the clothes on his back to give, and forgive. I lived in Hollywood California for years and have seen exactly what this video depicts, and some people do turn their noses up at other people who are homeless, and have nothing. Heal The World. God will bless that homeless man, so selfless. I find homeless people who are true homeless not begging on a corner. You can tell the diffrence.

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