is this your My First Abortion Debate? Everything you said in your windbag, North carolina state wolfpack carbon filter face mask pompous attitude has been spoken and regurgitated before, many times. Try to be more original.
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Just stop trolling cause I’m not going to stop challenging you. my teeth are beautiful and so am I. You knew that, THATS WHY YOU HATE ME. You can’t get laid, can you? North carolina state wolfpack carbon filter face mask Does he have any other argument than showing the same picture of a very late termination of pregnancy? Which, as Lana said is actually rarely practiced because of how late into the pregnancy it is.. I think he’s the one who needs to do his homework Wow…I’m sure you would laugh at the thought of actual problems from overpopulation because you would think it’s just a “scare tactic”. And you dare say that she wants to watch the world burn? You don’t know shit of what you say that is not what it looks like!
that is a 3rd trimester full term baby! nobody aborts viable babies UNLESS it is an ABSOLUTE medical necessity! ( stillborn, danger to the mother) that would be funny if he did! Considering he tried to call you out for blocking him lol looks like my logic got him right in the feels. Perfect name! They think they have the power now. Dark days are ahead for these people. Very, very dark. Women rule as it always has been. We will harbor each other and watch the storms pass! He’s sending you that in messenger? Wtf that’s weird that he can still message you even though he’s blocked… Always report and block. It cuts them off from what the vampires feed off of – attention. It stops the bullying, to some extend. We have to stay focused. They have no place at this table.

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