If he was doing his job properly and accommodated her disability, Oklahoma sooners hawaiian shirt there would have been no escalation. I can NOT believe how many people are agreeing that she shouldn’t be going through a drive through.
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be able to hear me or be listening even after they’ve asked to take my order. I’ve waited in line many times and said “hello?” repeatedly with no response. Oklahoma sooners hawaiian shirt And this guy didn’t seem to comprehend her face to face so I’d assume she’d have less of a chance from behind a speaker. It would just be nice if they had a different option that was evident for everyone to stop any confusion… since this seems to be a common issue for the hearing impaired community. I do think he understood her because he started mocking and laughing at her. he may or may not have… I’m also wondering if there may have been a language barrier. Either way he wasn’t trained appropriately and didn’t handle the situation professionally.
This guy is definitely grounded. He didn’t do his job well. Should be fired. It was a set up and the fast food worker fell right into her trap. She just want a million dollar lawsuit. She set the camera just right and start pulling her act. Oldest trick in the book. excuse me . A lot of deaf people had the same problem with drive thru!!!!! You better check other news about that! I had the same problem! It is not a set up! besides the fact that Ami is absolutely correct… It’s not a “set up” because she had no control over how the employee reacted. She couldn’t have possibly known that he wouldn’t serve her, unless this had happened before… in which case it’s still not a set up, and is just proof.

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