We as a country bounced back from other pandemics and great depressions, Ombre deep blue colorful anti-dust cotton face mask this too will pass as long as ppl keep the “we” concept and stop being so damn selfish!
Ombre deep blue colorful anti-dust cotton face mask
If you think I am wrong about that, how do we treat the regular influenza. Get a shot and that is all. So, the death rate from the regular flu is acceptable because Ombre deep blue colorful anti-dust cotton face mask we do not close everything down 3 months out of the year for flu season and he acts like the death rate is 100% for those affected. This dude is insane and not prepared to do any interviews over this subject. His brother Chris didn’t stay quarantined when he had the coronavirus, him, his wife, wife’s friend and kids were all out walking around. Now his wife has it, and possibly his son. Is he supposed to be special because of being a reporter, or governor Cuomo’s brother? This is about as hypocritical as you can get, and it’s all true.
It’s not just economic hardships it’s starvation price gouging where you can’t afford a loaf of bread it all comes with no economy that’s what happens people will starve to death without the economy plain and simple Cuomo for president! I actually sometimes refer to him as president Cuomo, and my husband reminds me that hi is a Governor, i just hope he’ll be President soon. Gov Cuomo hit the right spot, what is worse than death!. I was surprised the media still don’t understand and keep on continue asking stupid question. Cuomo hit the nail on the head! It’s a “we” concept! Ppl are so damn selfish and don’t realize that going out to work and trying to get a paycheck may result in you not even living to cash or spend that check! AND in the interim cause other ppl to suffer the same fate!

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