attorney of the alien’s lawful permanent resident parent and is applying personalized name tennessee titans full printing baseball shirt for a benefit on behalf of such parent, such application and/or associated
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as a positive factor if they so choose. An individual commenter stated that there may be additional credit data, which provides for non-traditional credit activity personalized name tennessee titans full printing baseball shirt (i.e., short-term payday lending, rent-to-own, auto lending data) that could be used in public charge determinations. For clarification purposes, DHS has amended the regulatory text in 8 CFR 212.21 to provide that fee waiver requests submitted or granted as part of immigration benefits that are not subject to the public charge inadmissibility ground under section 212 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. 1182 will not be considered as part of the public charge determination. See 8 CFR 212.22. DHS also disagrees that this rule would deter individuals from applying for U.S.
citizenship or otherwise imposes additional burdens on applicants. This rule addresses how DHS determines inadmissibility of aliens on account of public charge; and it does not apply to individuals seeking to be naturalized who would apply for a fee waiver request because the public charge ground of inadmissibility does not apply to naturalization proceedings. helpful. Therefore, DHS has added a new definition of “receipt of public benefits” to 8 CFR 212.21 to clarify that DHS will only consider the alien to have received a public benefit if the alien is a named beneficiary of the benefit but not where an alien is applying, being certified, or receiving a public benefit not on his or her own behalf but on behalf of another person. For example, if a parent is applying for a public benefit on behalf of a U.S. citizen child, such application for public benefits will not be considered negatively against the parent. Similarly, if an alien is the legal guardian or power of
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