My younger brother was killed at 22 years old by another 22 years old guy. Serial killer horror full printing shirt I raised him as my own. I loved him so much, he left a 4 year old son. I did the same thing , My God put in my heart to forgive that young boy.
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if they did something to my daughter. my daughters life is more valuable than mine, nothing would ever let me forgive and forget if anyone were to do anything to her. this is a true christian. god gives us the heart of forgiveness when we truly believe and trust in him. i prayed long and hard for god to give me strength Serial killer horror full printing shirt and courage to forgive a member of our family by marriage and i did with and the grace of god forgave him
which he never ask for. that is between him and god. amen and praise god and dosent it say do unto others as has been done to u but my heart has suffered loss of my twin boys and my lttle brother i just could not and i could never taje the life of another for revenge but truly i dont know what my broken heart is capable of if the responsible party was in front of me my dear you have to have Christ in you to forgive.

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