I objected well two weeks later they came back to me for my final decision Shark hawaiian shirt and I stood my ground and they said they were going to have to lay me off. Its been tough trying to make ends meet.
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Nonetheless, we all have to be careful. You’re welcome, Titus. Never lose hope no matter what life throws at you. Always keep pushing forward. Shark hawaiian shirt Thank you for watching my video! An amazing video. There are bosses and there are bosses. There are many talented employees who should be bosses. If your in that situation. Takes Dhar’s advice. Once again thank you I can personally relate to this video. I’m waiting on the day I can close this door and another one opens. It’s unfortunate that’s employers don’t value their employees. They go hand and hand. They need us and we need a job. It’s becoming more about bonuses for the company. I Love your Vidio Dhar.
Your words are true to point. So many companies have bosses that have no respect for their employees. I got laid off 2 1/2 years ago. While I worked for them I hated my job because the bosses didn’t care anything about the employee it was all about the company. We have to be careful when we don’t like where work for whatever reason. As much as I wanted to quit and find something new I knew I couldn’t afford to walk away from a company that I depended to be able to pay my bills. I decided to stand up when they wanted me to opperate a wireline truck while also being the shop foreman. Well they came back to me and told me my position as shop foreman was no longer needed and that I was going to run a wireline truck all the time.
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