I dont know if the passenger is deaf but a lot of time if you have deafness it is inherited in the family. Wisconsin badgers football hawaiian shirt They could have been deaf but if they weren’t or were it doesnt matter. She has the same right as everyone else that is the point.
Wisconsin badgers football hawaiian shirt
Discrimination is wrong and against the damn law. She has the right to order and pick her food up in the drive through just like everyone else. Wisconsin badgers football hawaiian shirt Many times the dining area is closed and drive thru is still open. This is unacceptableso is passenger deaf too? But guy in drive thru did act in an improper manner and should be firedwhat makes you think they’re seeking attention? Do you know what it’s like to be deaf because I sure as hell do! And please choose very carefully what you decide to respond with! also here’s another question for you, so are all the Spanish speaking people seeking for attention too when they are being attacked for speaking Spanish?
You just completely contradicted yourself. So it’s okay to discriminate against deaf people but not Spanish do you see where I’m going at here? Every deaf person has a right to go through drive-thru and be treated with respect, just like you deserve the same! she’s a scammer . She did this on purpose have you got nothing else better to do besides trolling everyone’s comment with a made up story that she is a scammer people with disabilities get victimised and discriminated against every dayWhy would a deaf person go to a Drive through ? they cant hear the person talking back to them or even know if their order was received or heard or if the business got the order correct ! Do you not see everything wrong with this?

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