I stand corrected. We resisted to it without background noise. Shock top beer hawaiian shirt This women does undead have a hearing loss. I would not have gone back to reposted to it.
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reading lips? Also just because they cannot hear sound she can feel the vibration of his tone There is a very distinguishable tone from deaf people. Shock top beer hawaiian shirt Not to mention she answered one of his questions when he was speaking in a relatively normal volume I stand corrected. This woman does undead appear to have a hearing loss. my grandfather is deaf in his left ear and he can’t use the speaker box. Also, Deaf people can read lips you know. People with handicap learn techniques to adapt. If you actually watched and listen to this video you can tell she isn’t deaf. If she were deaf in the left ear as you infer then why does she point to her right ear?
She would also turn her head more so her right ear would get better sound as your grandfather would do if he used a drive through. Not to mention the screens that show your order on 99% of the drive through today. agreed. I have deaf cousins and the way she was able to raise her voice I a steady manner and pitch.. yeah sorry Hun you ain’t deaf Yep. I’ve heard of it. Not to Mention that the man in the window signed to her. She was clueless. She was in it for the law suit and the money. She is a thief. my mother is deaf. I’ve been around deaf people my entire life. None of them sound the same. And you think the worker signed to her?? That wasn’t a real sign. Just because you make a gesture with your hands does not mean that’s sign language.

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