My daughter held three jobs Skull bacardi full printing shirt when a teenager and didn’t went to college and still she pull herself up by the bootstrap and has a very comfortable life. Billionaires are the ones that provides us with job.
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Where do you expect all this magical money to come from? Have you had any high school or college economics classes? I have, and maybe you should. You have no idea what you are expecting here. If you really want this stuff do you want your taxes to be much higher Skull bacardi full printing shirt on your paycheck? Because that would be where it would come from. with socialism the people in power have 5 houses
and everything they want and you will what the socialist party wants you to have and no more. You will do what that tell you to do or you will have nothing. Every culture has rich and poor. The way to get ahead is education and hard work. Only lazy people that want thing given to them want Socialism and of course the ones that will be in power. The problem is not capitalism. The problem is people not wanting to go the extra mile and work hard to make it.

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