some may prefer to just have a boogie etc. Skull us army strong full printing shirt It would be great for other schools & teachers to implement this after getting whatever approval is needed first especially where parents are concerned
Skull us army strong full printing shirt
also sadly many children don’t get hugs & kindness at home, so their teacher is the only one they can get close to if they need help. Doing it this way the child has the choice if they want to interact. many districts have policies against it for safety reasons. It’s terrifying that, as a teacher, Skull us army strong full printing shirt we live in an age where people looking in, make things seem innapropriate when they’re innocent. This is especially true for male teachers.
I do this everyday. I have a volunteer greet each student with a hug, fist bump, high five or a wave. I stand inside the door and get a greeting too. They all say “Good Morning” to each other. Surprisingly the boys are the ones to give the most hugs. Even to the boy greeters. So cute and the greeter always has a huge smile on his face when at last he walks in the classroom. I love that they can choose how they would like to greet their teacher on any given day. 1 day they may need a hug,

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