Many people deal with “invisible” challenges that are not them being ungrateful – Skull detroit tigers logo filter activated carbon face mask but dealing with their own unique circumstances. I wish more people would forget about the “challenges” they see others living with, and just see them for who they are anyway.
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I grew up in a similar environment I mean it on a general way. Obviously every single person and their circumstance are different so but every story is like that. such a succinct commentary!! Skull detroit tigers logo filter activated carbon face mask Wish more people could be like her… others should see her through Nikkita’s eyes. No differences or prejudices or negatives. Refreshing to read your comments. That was beautiful. People complain constantly about their lives looks etc and they could learn a valuable lesson from her. If she can go through what she has been through and is still happy and loves herself.
Then anybody can. She is strong , hilarious and happy. She doesn’t let her illness define her or stop her.I wish I had her tenacity and confidence. She is genuine and so appreciative of the little things in life. In a world of people who have the gimme gimme gimme mentality. So many these days are selfish , disrespectful etc. I wish they could walk a mile in her shoes. Their outlook on life would totally change. She has a purpose and has the ability to change lives. She is a blessing. while I agree to some extent. I believe you are generalizing challenges that are only visible to the eye.

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