you will be the one that will be treated the way you treat others. Skull the united states coast guard full printing shirt entry level jobs are also being taken by illegal immigrants. Those just out of high school and on breaks from college should be getting them instead.
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The thing is, nobody is trying to take away a woman’s right to carry a gun to protect herself if she feels threatened. Unless she was planning to arm up with a semi automatic… Is it an army after her? is legal all over ding, my wife legally owns one with no special licenses, don’t comment on something you know absolutely nothing about , Skull the united states coast guard full printing shirt good grief you liberals are dumb as a post It’s not about if we need a semi-auto it’s we can and will mine has never jumped up walked out the door
and just started shooting people it’s a tool that has to have someone to do the shooting no matter what they tell you if you went to a range and did some shooting you would love it Yes, please try and do some research on the subject of how guns work or better yet as suggested, get out to a range and take some instruction before you fling comments about guns. Very frustrating to listen to. Most dem legislators have no clue. They just hang behind their armed security detail. Right Nancy Nuisance & Chuckie Schmukie?

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