Those of you that agree with the mother and would react the same way… news flash-do call jail home? the behavior was crazy on both parts. The real lesson should be people should mind their business. Social distancing alcohol and cigars shirt The lady had no idea this mother would be so aggressive. Next time she will think twice. It’s not worth getting hurt over being a nosey – sally.
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Don’t force yourself on other’s just because you think you can. Learn some personal space. Think about others not your selfish needs. it being the only table does not give that woman any right to Social distancing alcohol and cigars shirt interfere with their lunch she should have sat somewhere else she bothered that woman to get a rise out of her and that’s exactly what she got often people do this and act like they are the victim
The fat woman looks like a busy body -we get a lot of this around these parts -they’re irritating mosey trouble makers that provoke as they love to seek out any issue they can make one of If you ask someone to move in a public sitting area, and they don’t. No matter how much space you think you need, you are not within your right to assault a person. Ever!
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