almost 100 years ago to honor those that were killed in WWI. Spider-man pitbull poster So, I believe it should stay. Maybe we can find a way to maintain in privately but, for this Jewish guy, it would be sad if it were taken down.
Spider-man pitbull poster
We need God in our land. Those who don’t believe that there is a higher power other than themselves, has furthered the cause of hate, divisiveness, and hopelessness as individuals and in our families. We have become so distant from God, that we believe we are Gods ourselves. We have become whiners and haters. We want “OUR” own way or else. We have forgotten Spider-man pitbull poster who created us and brings love to all. God, please forgive us. Save our heritage and our faith life. Stop tearing down our memorials.
This is exactly how the communist took over Europe. Our veterans deserve a monument on every street corner. Celebrities have there stars and no one says a word, what did they sacrifice , nothing!! This nation has allowed a very few to force their rights on the majorities. Stop this. These soldiers deserve everything In most cases, I would agree that it is unconstitutional. In this case, we need to balance the fact that this was put up

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