If we are so advanced in healthcare why do you have hospital boards labeling treatments SpongeBob squarepants tropical flower hawaiian shirt as “experimental” causing patients to die when they don’t have to?
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He actually does care more then the blue cares for American citizens. I don’t know how any American can say that our healthcare is “great” or “perfect.” It’s disgusting what it has become. SpongeBob squarepants tropical flower hawaiian shirt Is it because it’s one of the most advanced healthcare systems out there..?? It’s not. The U.K, Canada, South Korea, Thailand, Germany, Singapore, Lebanon, Turkey, and India all rank with us when it comes to technologically advancements in healthcare… Only if you can access it, which most people can’t. What difference does it make if there is a novel cancer treatment out there if insurance won’t cover it? How is it advanced? The hospitals carry a charge master where all prices for hospital services are different depending on which hospital you go to!
An IV saline drip costs less then a $1 to make but they charge you $57-$75 dollars for it. A bottle of Tylenol or Ibuprofen will cost you $1 depending where you buy it but if you take it in a hospital that’s a $37 bill. Hospitals charge patients FAKE prices and the fake prices aren’t even the same. We live in a country where women get charged money to hold their own children after going through labor. If our healthcare system is so “advanced” then why do hospitals all charge different prices? If it’s so “advanced” why is the pain of women dismissed constantly because doctors think we over exaggerate. It took me 13 years to get diagnosed with an autoimmune disease because doctors refused to listen to me. Why are infants in the US 2.3x more likely to die from SIDS then the other wealthy countries?

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