Every hearing person who saw that video could understand her. Angry orchard hawaiian shirt The worker being “pissed off” isn’t an excuse to mock her disability nor to break the law. It’s called the ADA… do some research before speaking.
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If I know that she’s deaf and wants a number 8, then he sure did without a piece of paper telling him so. And why can’t a deaf person drive? Angry orchard hawaiian shirt You do realize that many people have their radios so high in their cars that they can’t hear “traffic.” You need to educate yourself on the abilities and rights of the hearing impaired. aren’t you a high and mighty. Let see here. She is deaf, I am glad she can do just about anything she wanted. However one cannot blame others if they can understand her. The worker probably pissed off because when he asked her before she gets to the paid window and there was no response. It’s okay for anyone will disability to ask for help.
It’s not okay to get pissed off when people don’t always respond to the way you need them too. The worker did offer to take the order of bringing it to her and what did she do,.she said no. I have friend who is deaf, he carried a notebook with him everywhere he goes and used to to communicate with others. As far as ability to drive, good for her I am glad she has her own dependent. If she can drop I can only assume that she can hear even a tiny bit of the traffic. Who was filming and why he or she’s died stepped up and assisted her. I’m “high and mighty”…no…you’re ignorant plain and simple and that’s made apparent by every single one of your comments.

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