and i’ve seen numbers as high as 262 million. Sports illustrated superbowl champions kansas city chiefs poster that’s only in the last 100 years. every since marx wrote that fantasy novel, people have been falling for the lie of socialism! i have met medical people from canada
Sports illustrated superbowl champions kansas city chiefs poster
they then wanted to mask their mistakes by amputating both legs! Not only that, they addicted him to drugs not allowed in the US. An absolute nightmare. Sent an American doc overseas to evaluate it all. Not a pretty site. I guess we were just ‘out of network’ to receive the excellent kind of care the socialist countries say they have. i don’t know Sports illustrated superbowl champions kansas city chiefs poster why so many people laugh at your comment; it is very true, i know people who are buying their way to bumping their surgery up ahead of others
instead of being put on a waiting list for months and months; 15 years of liberal ontario! germany is not a socialist country. gorka isn’t talking about countries with socialist policies like healthcare, although the taxes make it a completely stupid choice imo. he’s talking about countries who adopted a socialist system like mao in china, stalin in russia, castro in cuba, venezuela, chile, etc. at least, 100 million ppl are dead or have been outright murdered by socialism

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