Anyway he got fired because of his ego! He lost out in the end! Star wars hawaiian shirt would really like to know what started the argument. Because I don’t think it was “hey I’m disabled I want number 8“.
Star wars hawaiian shirt
This is some trifling shit right here. They came here just to start shit. Whoever is recording is clearly not deaf so when at the intercom they could have ordered. This is ridiculous. Star wars hawaiian shirt Stop using disabilities as a crutch to be an awful human! You get off your car and you go to the front counter and order your meal. No special privileges. If you can’t use the drive thru then dont use it Right just park, unlock the lobby locked during coronavirus, go in, explain why you broke into the closed restaurant and order. We need to see what occurred before all this started. Reminder that companies have the right to refuse service to anyone. Damn. She waited at that drive thru for 2 hours!!
She was determined. Good for her for putting this pos on blast like that. Karma will get him, of that I have no doubt….what kills me? I detect an accent when he speaks…surely there was a time when he was learning English, that people didn’t understand him, and this is how he behaves because of lingual misunderstanding? SERIOUSLY?? What a hypocritical prick! Is the camera being held by someone. First – Why didn’t the camera operator order at the speaker. Second – why did the camera operator not climb out and pull that worker out through that little window and stomp his ass. yeah but the point is why should a hearing person speak! What if she was alone or they were both deaf! It’s must be really frustrating so perhaps sign language be inclusive in school curriculum!

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