she feels trapped because she might not have the choice to leave behind the life she’s built Surfing everything will kill you so choose something fun retro poster in US where racists remind her every day she’s not wanted.
Surfing everything will kill you so choose something fun retro poster
If I had the choice I might not with so many ignorant people to cross paths with. If she’s Mexican or salvadoreña, that’s irrelevant, what matters here Surfing everything will kill you so choose something fun retro poster is that a Hispanic woman is being unfairly humiliated by an ignorant racist… nobody asked you to comment on my post so you are the rude one have a blessed day! you are the ignorant one, being Spanish and speaking Spanish are 2 different things. Educate yourself before correcting people. Exactly, the only thing relevant is that she is a hispanic woman being humiliated and my heart goes to her. Welcome to our glorious democrazy, home of racist trash with their freedom of speech phenomenon.
I suspect she is a naturalized US citizen, and had to give up her birth citizenship to naturalize. Now, she is “trapped” in a country where the racists are all out of the KKK closet with Trump’s election. They think freedom of speech means freedom to harass people who speak other languages to their own kids in restaurants. The irony is that the lady peaceably speaking spanish is exercising her freedom of speech. The angry white lady needs to mind her own business. oh shut up breaks my heart everyday to hear nothing but Spanish in my country as a Latino I understand her reaction (even though I’ve never lived in US), as an immigrant in US she has had to endure so much humiliation and racism that she’s never felt at home there, but shes made a life there with kids, mortgage, bills to pay…. it’s hard to escape and thus the feeling of being trapped where she’s not wanted.

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