And I see him doing great things but being obstructed by one-party. 43 years of star wars 1977 2020 signature thank you for the memories shirt And consistently stabbed in the back by allegedly his party. But I would have to say that my ideals and morals and outlook on what is right and wrong, does lean right now that I am older.
43 years of star wars 1977 2020 signature thank you for the memories shirt
people away from higher education using fear tactics. This ultimately dumbs down the population while casting doubt on actual knowledge and facts which finally makes you easier to control in what is rapidly becoming a neo-feudalist system. nice to see that despite the constant cries of “liberals only resort to insults 43 years of star wars 1977 2020 signature thank you for the memories shirt and name calling!” that you are no better. I’m going to be the bigger person here and wish you a good night, despite your apparent small mindedness.

Yeah but how many on this page embraced the Democratic theology when they were young. I’m 65 years old and just up until recently I thought Democrats were good people. Well actually not good people the clintons turn me off to the Democratic party in the 90s. In the last presidential election was the first time I ever voted for anyone for anything in my whole life. And still hold the philosophy that all politicians are scum. That’s why I first time I ever voted at 63 years old was for a non politician.
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