your voice dropping, things happening to you that are much harder to undo A partridge in a pear tree christmas sofa blanket than they are to suppress. You clearly have a caring heart, which I can appreciate, but I feel you would benefit by learning about the people that actually go through this.
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Remind them they are Children , they can not and should not make a decision of this importance until they are adults , What if it is a mistake? Give them love and comfort , and give it time, if after they are adults ,if they still feel this way give them your blessing. Children do not become transgendered, every trans person A partridge in a pear tree christmas sofa blanket I know has felt that way since they were cognizant enough to think. Many had to shut those feelings down and conform, as you are suggesting they do here,
and suffered immensely because of it. Some going as far as attempting or even completing suicide. What harm is there in letting them be who they truly are, if the alternative costs these children their lives and happiness? And waiting until they grow up to live as the gender they identify with forces children to undergo puberty in the body of a gender with which they do not identify. Imagine the horror of knowing you are a girl, and growing hair all over your body, having the wrong genitals,
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