and homosexuality is a sin Your non existent sky daddy is not all loving. Anatomy of human heart dna tree colorful heart poster He makes bets with demon kings that destroy people’s lives, he drowns innocent animals in a world flood while only saving two of each, he orders people to raid cities and kill the men
Anatomy of human heart dna tree colorful heart poster
as to what the Lord says. He will not allow us to remain in sin if we are truly saved. He is the One Who tells us what sin is. Romans 1 is very clear on the subject of homosexuality. I say that in love. the bible also said love thy neighbor… let the higher powers be the one to pass judgement when it comes time because Anatomy of human heart dna tree colorful heart poster when all is said and done there is not one person on this planet that does right 100% by that religion. the “biblical truth”?
Which bible doll? Because if you go by the King James bible, despite killing being a sin, deutoronomy talks a lot about people that apparently deserve to die like a disobedient child, a female that isnt a virgin when married (mind you when the bible was written there was no big hoopla with marriage certificates, and all that nonsense)… yes GOD loves us all but that dont mean your allowed to sin and expect to make it to heaven without accepting him as your savior and confessing your sins
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