and for believing in Christ and not being ashamed to say so. Baby yoda san francisco 49ers full over print shirt God will bless you and my prayers are with you. From Texas god is still king and blessed is the nation who’s god is the lord. this fine gentlemen and servant of god still knows
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their god on the money and in the anthem. you are allowed to take your kids out of public schools and educate them in schools where you indoctrinate them to discriminate against others. you are allowed, by the supreme court, to go right up to women at abortion clinics whose lives you do not know and scream at them that they are murderers. Baby yoda san francisco 49ers full over print shirt and the current administration is getting rid of the johnson amendment, which means your pastors can now preach that god wants you to vote for trump

and can keep their tax-free status. american christians are not persecuted. you only say that because anything besides an isis-style theocracy is unacceptable to you. persecution for you means not having the right to shut non-christians out of public life. that’s what is so absolutely terrifying about you people. you think you are persecuted because you don’t get 100% control. i swear, if we give you any more space you’ll be stoning gays and burning promiscuous daughters, just like the bible says to.
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