but it is good to understand that it is a purely internal activity. Bear beer camping i hate people sunflower full printing shirt This man’s faith changed his life, but that change came from inside him. I would bet good money that he could have converted to Islam or any number of other faiths and gotten the same results
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I started to suspect that my experiences with God were an altered state of mind brought about by my own thoughts. I designed an experiment to see if I could have a similar religious experience with something that obviously was not God. I tried to worship a box of crayons. At first it didn’t work, but it occurred to me that I had beliefs about God that I didn’t have about the crayons. I tried again while telling myself things about Bear beer camping i hate people sunflower full printing shirt the box of crayons that where similar to my beliefs about God, that they could hear my thoughts and that they cared about me.

It worked. I was able to experience the euphoric state of mind that I had always thought was form me being in communion with God, but without God. The “presence” argument no longer worked because my experiences came from me and not from God. Obviously does not prove that God doesn’t exist, but it removed a major reason why I believed in him for so long. I now consider prayer and worship to be powerful forms of meditation capable of producing altered states of mind. I think it is a healthy thing to meditate regularly,
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