No actually it says the meds caused hearing loss…so really Car radio twenty one pilots lyrics poster science took her hearing away, not God! God gave us his spirit, his brain, to have the intelligence to figure out how to make this baby hear again. Why are thanking god?
Car radio twenty one pilots lyrics poster
it’s what we believe so if Mary wants to thank God then she has every right to do so. Y’all don’t need to be so salty, just mind ur own business. U don’t see any of us forcing our beliefs or telling u that you’re wrong. Just be nice to ppl or don’t comment at all I’m sure she was like us all Car radio twenty one pilots lyrics poster very happy for these amazing kids, it’s when you bring the silly god factor in that any sensible person would be rightly annoyed.

No mention of the incredible medical staff or the scientists who created these hearing devices, abs pathetic God gets a lot of blame for all the bad in the world when it seems to me that man is the one that has created all the chemicals that causes cancer! Man is the one that has created the antibiotics that humans have taken so much of that we are becoming immune to diseases. Don’t forget, God did not create robots. He created men and women and gave us free choices
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