1970s on Christian Island regarding young offenders. christmas snoopy crocband clog Unfortunately, over 100 years of experience with the Indian Act courts can provide little in the way of direction toward a new approach for the future.
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At the outset, we wish to point out that we recognize that it is not appropriate for us to put forth a model that is intended to serve as a master plan or blueprint to be adopted by Aboriginal communities or to be pressed upon them. christmas snoopy crocband clog It is clearly up to the Aboriginal people themselves to debate the alternatives and make their own choices based upon what they believe will best fit their current needs and objectives for the future. It can be anticipated that this may produce different approaches throughout the province of Manitoba, just as there are different models in the United States. Having already come to the conclusion that Aboriginal courts are an important aspect of solving the problems which we have identified,
the focal point in this section will be on how Aboriginal justice systems could be created and how they could function in practical terms. This obviously will reflect the issues that are most pressing from the viewpoints of the administration of justice, which daily faces the problems, and of Aboriginal communities and organizations which wish to assume responsibility for these problems. The alternatives involved have to be confronted if they are to receive proper consideration. The Ontario government also has had a special program for Aboriginal justices of the peace since the early 1980s, which has resulted in the selection of several full-time and part-time Indian and Metis JPs. The Ontario government recently has provided funding to the Sandy Lake and Attawapiskat First Nations to establish elders’ panels to advise the court on sentencing in non-jury cases.98 A similar system had been in operation in the

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