the total measure of justice shall be served without worry or favor. christmas tree Jesus my God my king all over printed ugly christmas sweater This Court, by constitutional design and for good reasons, is not an elective body and, as already acknowledged above,
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constitutionalization was adopted to completion even if from the constitution of an overthrown regime, Executive Order No. 1 can’t move the current constitutional take a look at. christmas tree Jesus my God my king all over printed ugly christmas sweater Executive Order No. 1 is unconstitutional exactly because it was issued by the President. As articulated by Commissioner Colayco of the Commission that resurrected the Ombudsman, “our proposal is to constitutionalize the workplace so that it cannot be touched by the Presidents as they come and go.” And as this Court said, repeating the remark relating to the erstwhile presidential anti-graft commissions, such commissions failed to realize their goal because they didn’t benefit from the political independence needed for the effective performance of a government critic. Uy went on to enumerate the implementing presidential decrees,
issued as legislation, specifically Presidential Decree No. 1487 creating the Office of the Ombudsman known as the Tanodbayan; Presidential Decree No. 1607 broadening the authority of the Tanodbayan to research administrative acts of administrative companies; Presidential Decree 1630 reorganizing the Office of the Tanodbayan and vesting the powers of the Special Prosecutor in the Tanodbayan himself. Section 1. Creation of a Commission. – There is hereby created the PHILIPPINE TRUTH COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as the “COMMISSION”, which shall primarily search and discover the truth on, and towards this end, investigate stories of graft and corruption of such scale and magnitude that shock and offend the moral and ethical sensibilities of the individuals, dedicated by public officers and employees, their co-principals, accomplices and equipment from the non-public sector, if any, through the earlier administration; and thereafter advocate the suitable action or measure to be taken thereon to ensure that

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