i’ve been hearing hate speech from the right wingers since the 1990’s. Colorful parrots macaw parrot towel tropical bird poster nothing has changed except after nearly 30 years of this shit we’re finally sick of it and fighting back. so hang on tight because shits about to get real. what hate??
Colorful parrots macaw parrot towel tropical bird poster
So why would you be right wing when trump had people doing the same thing. I’m not for left or right elitist. They are are pulling the whool over our eyes and have us divided yet again. The haters were there inciting fights. He told them to get them out of there, and if need be Colorful parrots macaw parrot towel tropical bird poster because of there actions, fight fire with fire. My words, not his. My take on it. If anyone would have incited violence at Hillary’s rallies,

they should be taken out and fight fire with fire. But no one seemed to report on those people being escorted out, just at Trump rallies. Double standard!!! Oh my dear sweet girl. I agree with everything you have said and have done so in a clear and precise manner. I fear for you. You have now made yourself a target of the uncivil left and as you have seen, they are bat shit crazy. Keep your guard up and know you have our support!
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