you proved the fact that you are a Democrapic Liptard Confessions of the hairstylist hairdresser community poster in your first sentence…but you do not have any idea how much further you are taking yourself down the tubes to friends, relatives, and anybody else that reads
Confessions of the hairstylist hairdresser community poster
The one where crybaby Chuckie is having Krispy Kreme’s and coffee with Putin, he is grinning so big he could eat a banana sideways, Obama bowing to a sheik that had the worst record of mistreating women and people’s human rights! I would love to see your smug moronic face when it is plastered all over social media! Confessions of the hairstylist hairdresser community poster Post like these show lack of respect on both sides. I’m not dumb and I’m not for trashing either party the whole system is falling apart,

it goes back several years and both parties have been wrong. Perhaps true… but the reality is the current idiot in chief is indefensible.. liberals are at a loss to explain or understand the acceptance of it on the right…. we agree we need a more intelligent discourse but that can not happen until the right understands the tragic mistake it has made with the incompetence sitting in the White House. When that day comes, and it will, we can have a civil discussion on how we can move forward….. together.
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