It was 35 yrs. ago and both were being teenagers Cute cat today is a good day to have a great day poster Their records since then is what matters.who they are since being stupid teens i do believe some type of assault happened to ms. ford; i also believe all information about both of them should be presented!!!
Cute cat today is a good day to have a great day poster
They are taught right from wrong and are (sometimes) reprimanded for their wrong actions, if not by parents then by the law. So your view is twisted. And in response to your last sentence, you are in absolutely NO position to tell me to shut anything. the democrat’s behavior during Cute cat today is a good day to have a great day poster the entire sc hearing process has been disgraceful, as also were the disgusting nasty organized democrat ptotesters. if you support the democrats today,

then you must be a socialist. you might want to rethink that. feinsteins husband works with her at same collage,wrote in 2008 an article on teaching hypnosis to create artificial situations…marches with the lefts wears pussy hat, hates president trump, her lawyers have ties to clinton, george soros and on, and on. did you read the court report from rachel mitchelle? this is only some. He is only doing the same as her so he is,wrong and she is,right ,Think agian .She,was asking for trouble
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