when the Bureau of Indian Affairs stated in different reports that between dallas cowboys jack skellington crocband clog 91 and 111 courts existed on reservations.25 Not only has the total number of courts increased substantially in recent years,
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In this situation, state courts would have criminal jurisdiction and civil jurisdiction. The tribe has no criminal jurisdiction, but could have concurrent civil jurisdiction if the Montana Test is met. dallas cowboys jack skellington crocband clog The activity affects the health or safety of the tribe. Determining the exact boundaries is not always an easy task, in light of extensive surrenders and congressional declarations of surplus Indian lands over the years.30 Although the definition of Indian Country was designed originally for criminal purposes, the courts have concluded that it also applies to tribal court and tribal civil jurisdiction.31 As a result, tribal courts may possess territorial jurisdiction over lands that are not owned by or for the tribe or in the possession of the tribe, as long as they can be said to be part of Indian Country. Some tribal constitutions and codes,
particularly those revised in recent years to move away from model codes prepared by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, do not contain any territorial limitation. These tribal courts are not excluded automatically from exercising jurisdiction over off-reservation activities. The ability of a tribal court to exercise such authority, however, is unclear in other than child welfare matters. • In the enforcement of tribal hunting and fishing laws against tribal members harvesting outside their reservation lands but within their treaty territory with the approval of the state. It is conceivable, as well, that a lessening of traditional religious influences within tribal communities has also contributed to the inclination toward establishing tribal courts under the Indian Reorganization Act, rather than traditional courts, which have more cultural roots. This reflects a significant change even since 1974,
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