And unless you denounce your citizenship, yes, Deejay dj parking only violators will be scratched poster Trump is your president. Just like Obama was mine, although I despised him, and it had everything to do with his horrible policies and his holier-than-thou attitude.
Deejay dj parking only violators will be scratched poster
but a crime of nature. you make your own hate. you create and wallow in it like some damn badge of honor. you may be good at writing those race war checks your ass cannot cash. but i suggest you think about the truth this woman is trying to show to you for while before belittling her, hating her and spewing that recycled hate. Deejay dj parking only violators will be scratched poster I wish Something would happen to Maxine Waters & the Leftest protesters that feel so Entitled to treat

Human Beings the way they are… I’m nobody special… But this turned my stomach when these people act this way. Just showed We don’t live in America no more. American People just Did Not treat other people in this manor! And to put Ileagal Allen’s above American Citizens is so Absolutely Wrong! somebody needs to stop watching the fake news media machine and go out and actually hang out with some of the deplorables and find out what they’re really about. When have you hypocrites ever played nice?
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