which is responsible for cleaning up the nation’s most contaminated land. dont stop when youre tired stop when youre done cycling vintage poster Kelly completely lacked any experience with environmental issues, and had just
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They reported that “it mirrors policy later pushed by the Trump administration.” Pruitt said he planned to prioritize state and local control over federal land use and ease regulations on the environmental impacts of industries. dont stop when youre tired stop when youre done cycling vintage poster A March 2017 executive order allowed Pruitt to start a review process of the Obama administration’s regulations of the coal industry, reflecting Trump’s repeated promises to support the coal industry and “bring back jobs” in coal mining. Such changes are likely to affect America’s ability to meet the climate emission goals of the Paris Agreement. Pruitt has said he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming. While admitting that the climate is warming, Pruitt believes that warming is not necessarily harmful and could be beneficial.
“Do we really know what the ideal surface temperature should be in the year 2100, in the year 2018? That’s fairly arrogant for us to think that we know exactly what it should be in 2100.” Climate experts, including Michael Mann and Chris Field who oversaw a United Nations and World Meteorological Organization scientific report on climate change, disagree with Pruitt’s position. According to Field, “thousands” of studies document that a warming planet causes a host of problems, not just from high temperatures but also from heat waves, higher seas, heavier downpours, and more frequent destructive hurricanes and wildfires.” As the attorney general of Oklahoma, Trump’s choice of EPA administrator Scott Pruitt challenged EPA regulations in court more than a dozen times. With some cases still pending, Pruitt declined to say if he would recuse himself with regard to those suits. Pruitt hired former Oklahoma banker Albert Kelly to head the Superfund program,
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