how you feel if he can help fine if he can’t then if your wife makes you Farmer license plates low top sneakers that miserable it’s time to go go from her not from the world the world is supposed to be awesome it is awesome but if you are unhappy in the wrong relationship
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im sure your a great guy dont sell yourself short. You are eorth more than tjat and dederve a happy life like everyone god made no junk. He made us to live and carry on nomatter what. Never think that way. Listen to trent shelten type him in hes great. Take care of yourself there is special things for your life Yes i am still with you guys and yes I’m constantly thinking of just ending it. Farmer license plates low top sneakers No I don’t have any need for attention in regards with that post Incase that answers anyone with the intent to attack.

That comment is bourne from feelings that i have been harbouring for so long. Try to find your true worth in Christ, and nothing here on earth. Everything here can and will let you down. But Christ will not, ever. I’ve felt your feelings before. It takes hard work to move past them. But beautiful peace awaits you on the other side of them. God bless you, sir. forget prayers get a break go see your gp tell him
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