last time I checked I’m a millennial with two jobs, a mortgage Rose and skull low top shoes and I am fully independent. Maybe you just need to take several seats and stop assuming that because people don’t do things the way you want them to that they aren’t accountable or responsible.
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why wasn’t the black kid talking to his black parent? A diverse group of kids taking to a group of out of touch old white men. It’s a statement and if you missed it your out of touch as well. It was clearly race driven. Not all false but definitely race driven and one sided. There are two legitimate arguments to be had and this was not even close to a representation of that. Rose and skull low top shoes Those who take offense to this message miss the point entirely. It doesn’t have to do with race, gender, sexuality, religion, economics,
political affiliation, or which generation is better. It’s about coming together. That is the ENTIRE message of this video, and if you’re deriving attacks from it then you are more focused on the fear of being wrong due to your own personal judgments than the progress that could come with just universal acceptance and making the world a better place because of it. Unite, don’t fight. That was the entire point.

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